Move your codebase forward at scale with Moderne automation

Handle framework migrations fast and cost-effectively

Are the current versions of your frameworks, libraries, and tools reaching EOL or harboring vulnerabilities? Keep your code moving forward with Moderne.

Fix critical security vulnerabilities across your entire codebase fast

Security responsibilities are shifting left but developers can’t keep up. Fix security vulnerabilities immediately, everywhere with Moderne.

Accelerate your cloud migration

Is the complexity of cloud migration stopping you in your tracks? Get the instant automation lift for migrating older tech to cloud native equivalents with Moderne.

Consolidate and align your tech stack to expand your horizons

Get off outdated, redundant, and expensive tech. Make the move with Moderne automation so your developers are always working with the optimal tech stack.

Align your tech architecture to improve developer and customer experience

Build and maintain an architecture that is consistent for developers but dynamic enough to adapt to change with Moderne.

Engage and retain developer talent with a modern tech stack

Working in high-quality code with the latest tech is not a nice-to-have for developers you’re trying to retain, recruit, and onboard. Make your codebase a happy place to be with Moderne.

How Moderne can help


Moderne is a developer collaboration platform that enables dev teams to understand their code like never before and automate code fixes, upgrades, and analysis across multiple repos in record time.

Central teams

Migrating source code to new versions or new tech is driven with automation, not spreadsheets, saving cost and time. Central teams can collaborate with dev teams to provide the automated updates that the developers review and accept as convenient for them.

AppSec teams

Shifting security left is not enough. With Moderne, AppSec teams can expose security vulnerabilities and weaknesses across entire codebases then automate fixing the code everywhere. It’s a new level of collaboration for AppSec and developers.

Unlock your code to unlimited possibilities

An up-to-date, secure software stack enables your teams to adapt to market and business changes at a much faster pace and deliver unparalleled value to your customers.


O'Reilly: How to Refactor and Secure the Modern Software Supply Chain with Automation

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Let’s help you automate some of the toughest (and most tedious) transformations for your codebase

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