Consolidate your tech stack to align and save costs

Simplifying your tech stack not only streamlines operations and reduces costs but also enhances agility and innovation, enabling you to respond more effectively to market dynamics and customer needs.

Your challenge

Is your technology stack bloated with outdated, redundant, and overlapping technologies?

Especially if there’s been a convergence of multiple tech systems, you might be stuck with a tech stack that’s ineffective, disjointed, and costly. This can lead to limitations in functionality, performance, interoperability, and innovation. It's time to consolidate around the best technologies for your organization.


Analyze your codebase across multiple repositories

Visualize dependencies and connections of code across your entire codebase to understand the impact of tech consolidation projects.

Use out-of-the-box and custom-built migrations

Automate whatever tech stack changes you need using the marketplace of OpenRewrite recipes, and easily customize recipes to migrate tech.

Track progress of tech consolidation projects

Add any migration project to your Moderne DevCenter dashboard to see the progress in real time as you transform your code.

Consolidate and optimize your tech stack for easier, cost-effective management.