Expanded recipe catalog

September 5, 2021
Expanded recipe catalog

Key Takeaways

Expanded recipe catalog by 20%

The last two weeks we’ve focused on leveraging the existingbase recipes to expand the catalog. rewrite-migrate-java and rewrite-terraform saw the greatest number of new recipes.

Javadoc support added to Java AST

Rewrite 7.13.0 now fully supports the 33 unique grammatical constructs that make up the Javadoc sublanguage. Recipes that change types, remove imports, etc. now see Javadoc references as matching occurrences on the types they affect.

We received reports of incorrect removals of imports in 7.12.0, and this will address that.

Spring Boot 2 minor version upgrades

Building on remediations for Spring Boot itself, new recipes have been developed to remediate API changes in other Spring libraries depended on by Spring Boot. Categories for Spring Data and Spring Framework are now available.

Version upgrades ran at scale.