Code authorship vs. code remediation

April 25, 2023
IDC Technology Spotlight Report

Key Takeaways

In today’s digital business era, source code is one of your organization's most important assets. It’s what enables your business to differentiate itself, serve your customers better, and drive competitive advantage. 

Yet keeping source code updated and maintained has become a critical problem for most companies. Under the pressure to innovate fast, releasing new features often trumps codebase upkeep. Neglecting upkeep puts your business at serious risk, especially when it comes to addressing security vulnerabilities.

New IDC research from Jim Mercer and Katie Norton shines a light on why the way source code is maintained needs to be re-examined for today’s complex, assembled applications.

“The complexity and size of systems will make it impossible to evolve large systems without automation. Therefore, future software innovation and business survival will depend on automated remediation. Organizations must rethink how they manage code. Instead of big bang refactoring exercises, code must be kept up to date continuously to ensure the software is perpetually maintainable.” 

Read this research report and learn why:

  • Business risk and opportunity costs compound when code is not regularly maintained
  • Traditional code quality and analytics tools are not sufficient anymore
  • New technologies and tools are needed to automate continual code remediation and take the work off developers

Download the IDC Spotlight report to learn about the next generation of code automation that does the actual manual work of fixing code issues.