Analyze and understand your codebase like never before: Announcing code visualizations in the Moderne Platform

Jonathan Schneider
July 12, 2022
The James Webb Space Telescope

Key Takeaways

Modernize applications...

  • to secure your data
  • to secure your customers’ data
  • to out-innovate your competition
  • to build the future
  • to build better experiences for your customers
  • to keep your best talent
  • to attract someone else’s talent
  • because Perl isn’t coming back in style
  • to save money
  • to make more money
  • to improve your culture
  • because James Webb Telescope can now see the code you wrote 10 billion years ago
  • to simplify your architecture
  • to correct outages quickly
  • to minimize legal risk
  • to look like a hero
  • to be a hero
  • to be a legend
  • to understand your own business processes
  • to build faster
  • to build cheaper
  • to be a craftsman
  • to prove compliance to your partners
  • to enjoy your work again
  • to minimize attack vectors
  • so nobody has to see the code you wrote when you were 22 years old
  • to standardize your style
  • to integrate acquisitions more efficiently
  • to learn something new